SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder physicists help discover evidence of the elusive Higgs boson particle

July 5, 2012

An international team including SMµ÷½ÌËù researchers has found the first direct evidence for a new particle that likely is the long sought-after Higgs boson, believed to endow the universe with mass.

Nitrogen pollution changing Rocky Mountain National Park vegetation, says SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder study

July 5, 2012

A new study led by the SMµ÷½ÌËù indicates air pollution in the form of nitrogen compounds emanating from power plants, automobiles and agriculture is changing the alpine vegetation in Rocky Mountain National Park.

International team involving SMµ÷½ÌËù finds best evidence yet of elusive Higgs boson particle

July 4, 2012

An international research team involving the SMµ÷½ÌËù announced this morning it has found the first direct evidence for a new particle that likely is the long sought-after Higgs boson, believed to endow the universe with mass.

Renowned SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder/NIST institute celebrates 50 years of scientific advances; named an ‘historic physics site’

July 3, 2012

Several hundred people are expected to gather on the SMµ÷½ÌËù campus July 12-13 to celebrate the 50 th anniversary of JILA, a joint institute of SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) known around the world for its discoveries in atomic, molecular and optical physics. In addition, the president-elect of the American Physical Society will be on hand to officially announce JILA’s designation as an historic physics site.

SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder students introduce green energy curriculum in Haiti

July 2, 2012

Five SMµ÷½ÌËù engineering students recently returned from Haiti where they introduced a green energy vocational training program, paving the way for a new era of distributed power in the poverty-stricken, earthquake-damaged nation.

Colorado business leaders’ optimism drops according to SMµ÷½ÌËù Leeds School Index

July 2, 2012

Colorado business leaders are less optimistic going into the third quarter than last quarter, according to the most recent quarterly Leeds Business Confidence Index, or LBCI, released today by the SMµ÷½ÌËù’s Leeds School of Business. The LBCI’s reading slid from 62.2 in the second quarter to 53.6 in the third, but remained higher than the 10-year average for the index and above the critical neutral mark of 50. A reading greater than 50 indicates positive expectations, while one lower than 50 indicates negative expectations.

Ancient human ancestor had unique diet, according to study involving SMµ÷½ÌËù

June 27, 2012

When it came to eating, an upright, 2 million-year-old African hominid had a diet unlike virtually all other known human ancestors, says a study led by the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and involving the SMµ÷½ÌËù.

Condor lead poisoning persists, impeding recovery, says SMµ÷½ÌËù-UCSC study

June 25, 2012

The California condor is chronically endangered by lead exposure from ammunition and requires ongoing human intervention for population stability and growth, according to a new study led by the University of California, Santa Cruz, and involving the SMµ÷½ÌËù.

Celebrity endorsements not always a good bet, SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder study shows

June 20, 2012

Companies paying celebrities big money to endorse their products may not realize that negative perceptions about a celebrity are more likely to transfer to an endorsed brand than are positive ones, according to a new SMµ÷½ÌËù study. Celebrity endorsements are widely used to increase brand visibility and connect brands with celebrities’ personality traits, but do not always work in the positive manner marketers envision, according to Margaret C. Campbell of SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder’s Leeds School of Business, who led the study.

Mars - a beaten and battered planet

June 18, 2012

It’s no secret that Mars is a beaten and battered planet -- astronomers have been peering for centuries at the violent impact craters created by cosmic buckshot pounding its surface over billions of years. But just how beat up is it? Really beat up, according to a SMµ÷½ÌËù-Boulder research team that recently finished counting, outlining and cataloging a staggering 635,000 impact craters on Mars that are roughly a kilometer or more in diameter.
