Liora Halperin

Liora Halperin gives "Israel Studies Today" Lecture at University of Washington

March 21, 2016

Liora Halperin , Assistant Professor of History and Jewish Studies, spoke about her research at the University of Washington in Seattle on January 25, 2016 as part of a new series at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at UW called " Beyond the Binary: Israel Studies Today ," which...

Moshe Kornfeld

Moshe Kornfeld Completes Freedom Seder Exhibit, To Present in Two Sessions at Upcoming AJS Conference

Dec. 11, 2015

Moshe Kornfeld, postdoctoral fellow in Jewish studies, finished his work as lead curator for the Freedom Seder exhibit , which is now on display on the second floor of Norlin Library. At the Freedom Seder symposium , Kornfeld presented concluding remarks, reflecting on social justice seders as examples of re-enchantment...

Elias Sacks

Elias Sacks Presents at AAR, to Serve as Co-Chair of Upcoming Society of Jewish Ethics Meeting

Dec. 11, 2015

Elias Sacks, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Graduate Studies for the Program in Jewish Studies, recently spoke at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Atlanta and at a conference on “ This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice...

Sasha Senderovich

Sasha Senderovich Presents on Russian Jewish American Writers

Dec. 8, 2015

Sasha Senderovich , Assistant Professor of Russian Studies and Jewish Studies, presented a paper on how contemporary Soviet-born American Jewish writers respond to the idea of "the Soviet Jew" that emerged in the West during the Cold War, at the annual conference of the Association of Slavic, East European, and...

David Shneer

David Shneer Presents on Recent Book, Publishes Articles, Returns to Musical Roots

Dec. 8, 2015

David Shneer , Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish History and Professor of History, Religious Studies and Jewish Studies , committed to using his sabbatical to stretch his scholarly self in new directions. To that end, this fall, he presented his book, Lin Jaldati: Trümmerfrau der Seele , in...

Liora Halperin

Liora Halperin Publishes Article in Journal of Social History, Gives Invited Talks

Dec. 8, 2015

Liora Halperin , Assistant Professor of History and Jewish Studies, published an article, " A Murder in the Grove: Conceptions of Justice in an Early Zionist Colony " in the Winter 2015 issue of the Journal of Social History. Prof. Halperin gave an invited talk at Colorado College on December...

Lucy Chester

Lucy Chester Presents at Center on American and Global Security

Dec. 8, 2015

Lucy Chester , Associate Professor of History and International Affairs, presented her research at the Center on American and Global Security at Indiana University in October. Entitled, "'The Eyes of Islam are Watching': Transcolonial Activism in India and Mandate Palestine," her talk analyzed the many intersections between the history of...

Sam Boyd

Sam Boyd to give brown bag presentation to SMµ÷½ÌËù Mediterranean Study Group

Sept. 25, 2015

Sam Boyd , Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, will be giving a presentatation of his work-in-progress "A Brief History of the Phrase 'King of Kings': Political, Religious, and Philological Considerations." Dr. Boyd's talk will take place on Monday, September 28 from 11:30AM-12:45PM in UMC 425. Pre-registration is...

Sam Boyd

Sam Boyd wins 2016 SBL Regional Scholars Award

Sept. 8, 2015

Sam Boyd , Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, received a 2016 Society for Biblical Literature Regional Scholars award. Dr. Boyd was nominated for the award by the Rocky Mountains-Great Plains regional selection committee of the SBL on the basis of his presentation “The Flood and the Problem...

David Shneer

David Shneer serves as Helix Project Scholar-in-Residence, presents research for new book project

Aug. 31, 2015

David Shneer , Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish History and Professor of History, Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, had a busy summer of globetrotting. He served as scholar-in-residence for the Helix Project that took students to Belarus, Lithuania, and Latvia. Next year, he plans to open a competition...
