Published Issues

62.1 April 2024

Bonnie Etherington and Delali Kumavie, Special Issue Editors

61.2 October 2023

Deepti Misri, Ather Zia, and Mohamad Juniad, Special Issue Editors

61.1, April 2023

Jason Gladstone, Nan Goodman, and Karim Mattar, Special Issue Editors

60.2, October 2022

Jane Garrity and Celia Marshik, Special Issue Editors

60.1, April 2022

Rebecca Lemon, Special Issue Editor

59.2, October 2021

Kelly Hurley, Special Issue Editor

59.1, April 2021

Gary Edward Holcomb and William J. Maxwell, Special Issue Editors

58.2, October 2020

Tarren Andrews and Tiffany Beechy, Editors

58.1, April 2020

Leila Gomez, Editor

57.2, Fall 2019

Ramesh Mallipeddi and Cristoval Silva, Editors

57.1, April 2019

Laura Winkiel, Editor

56.2, October 2018

Maria Windell and Jesse Alemán, editors

56.1, April 2018 (Duke University Press)

Nan Goodman, editor

55.1/2, Fall 2017
Teresa A. Toulouse, Michael E. Zimmerman, and Jason Gladstone, Editors

Take a look at this issue's 

54.2, Fall/Winter 2016
Janice Ho and Nadine Attewell, Editors

54.1, Spring/Summer 2016
Paul Youngquist, Jeffrey Cox, and Jill Heydt-Stevenson, Editors

53.2, Fall/Winter 2015
Katie Little and Anne Lester, editors

53.1, Spring/Summer 2015
Cheryl Higashida, Aaron Lecklinder, and Gary Holcomb, Editors

52.2, Fall/Winter 2014
Karim Mattar, editor

52.1, Spring/Summer 2014
Karen Jacobs, editor

51.2, Fall/Winter 2013
David Glimp and Russ Castronovo, editors

50.2, Fall/Winter 2012
Sue Zemka, editor

50.1, Spring/Summer 2012
Julie Carr and John-Michael Rivera, editors

49.2, Fall/Winter 2011
Julie Carr and John-Michael Rivera, editors

49.1, Spring/Summer 2010
Laura Winkiel, editor

48.2, Fall/Winter 2010
Nan Goodman, editor

48.1, Spring/Summer 2010
Kelly Hurley, editor

47.2, Fall/Winter 2009
Katherine Eggert, editor

47.1, Spring/Summer 2009
Jeffrey Robinson, editor

46.2, Fall/Winter 2008
William Kuskin, editor

46.1, Spring/Summer 2008
Sue Zemka, editor

45.2, Fall/Winter 2007
Kelly Hurley, editor

45.1, Spring/Summer 2007
John-Michael Rivera, editor

44.2, Fall/Winter 2006
Karen Jacobs, editor

44.1, Spring/Summer 2006
Bruce Holsinger, editor