Published: June 1, 2014 By

Tori Peglar

Tori Peglar (MJour’00)

There are stories tucked under Old Main’s cottonwoods, Folsom’s stands and Norlin’s steps. And their echoes can be heard from Cape Town to Kathmandu.

As editor, I have collected these stories. Your triumphs and losses in all their profound complexity arrived in my office via email, letters, calls and in-person. In doing so, you, whose ages span more than seven decades, brought to life Norlin Library’s inscription: Who knows only his own generation remains always a child.

You transported me to orphanages in Africa, organic farms, start-up offices and the sidelines of war. You hinted at who really painted “SM” on the Flatirons, recalled what made Tulagi standout and lamented what you wouldn’t give to relive a few moments of your SM days. You also shared your losses — children, parents, jobs and a piece of your soul.

After 14 years here, it’s time for me to join you and leave this beautiful campus. Thank you for your support and friendship. It was a great honor bringing your stories to life on these pages.