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Statement on the death of George Floyd

June 5, 2020

We in the Department of Classics join our colleagues in Ethnic Studies and Women and Gender Studies in condemning the murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans. We also endorse the statements of our professional organizations, the Society for Classical Studies and the Archaeological Institute of America , and...

Classics Department statement on campus racism

Oct. 21, 2019

Statement on the part of the faculty, staff and graduate students of the Classics Department: We, the Department of Classics, add our voices to those raised across campus by the Black Student Alliance, UGGS, the Department of Ethnic Studies, the Department of Theatre and Dance, the School of Education, and...

Endorsement of the SCS Board of Directors' letter of concern regarding the Paideia Institute

Oct. 18, 2019

The Classics Department endorses the SCS Board of Directors’ statement of October 13th, 2019, addressed to the Board of Directors of the Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study, Inc: "The Society for Classical Studies joins the American Classical League in expressing deep concern in response to recent public statements regarding the...

Statement from the Classics Department

Dec. 21, 2016