General Policies & Payment


Cinema Studies facilities and equipment is available to students currently enrolled in production courses within the department. Equipment accessibility is subject to the student's course level. Non-Cinema Studies students and Graduates are not allowed to rent Cinema Studies equipment. Alumni may reserve studios over the summer if classes aren't scheduled. For questions on availability or requests email:

Students can rent gear for a maximum of 48 hours (with the weekend counting as 1 day). There is a $5 extension fee for any reservations over the 48-hour limit. Students may only extend once per reservation. 


The Kage charges rental prices, which is payable via credit/debit card or Apple Pay. We cannot charge rental fees to a student's tuition. Rental fees, and other charges must be paid when pick up equipment or purchasing supplies. Extension/Late fees are expected to be paid upon return and will be noted on your reservation/check out prior. 

Late fees are assessed for items not returned on time. These fees are DOUBLE your rental fee, and will continue to double each day they are overdue. Late fees are expected to be paid upon return ASAP. Unpaid fees will result in a suspension from renting gear for a period decided by a manager. 

We DO NOT accept American Express cards, checks, or cash.  


The Kage offers discounts. Kits give a percentage discount that is calculated on your order before your pick up, other discounts are applied based on how many items are on your order. 


5-9 Items = $1 off

10-19 Items = $5 off

20+ Items = $10 off



Equipment Access & Pricing

For Information on Equipment availble to you, please refer to the . 

For information on Pricing, please refer to the . 



Students sign a Kage Rental Agreement at the beginning of every semester before they're able to check out equipment. If you have not signed a rental agreement you CANNOT check out equipment. If you have not signed a Rental Agreement do so ASAP! 

*You may make a reservation and sign the agreement upon check out. Or sign in advance.