Published: Sept. 26, 2024

Sena KaviFaces of LeedsSnapshot
: Sena Kavi
Hometown: Superior, Colorado
Major: Finance and Business Analytics
LeedsActivities: Leeds Scholars, Leeds Consulting Group, Leeds Student Government, Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility
Upcoming Job: Business Analyst at McKinsey & Company

As a junior, Sena Kavi credits her experiences at Leeds for the jobshe already has lined up after graduation. Growing up as a second-generation Turkish immigrant has inspired her dedication toglobal human rights.

She already puts that passion into practice every weekend by mentoring hersister, 7 years her junior,along with a group of middle-school-aged girls in the Turkish community. “I may be too old to understand the Generation Alpha memes and jokes, but I don’t let that barrier get in the way of being the best older sister figure that I can be to all of them.”

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My dream is to pursue a career in international human rights law or within a philanthropic or humanitarian relief organization. I am devoted to global service, and I plan to realize this dream after dedicating time to my personal development as a leader and changemaker.”